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Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028

The strategic plan for the School of Engineering was developed in a collaborative and deliberative manner over the 2023-2024 academic year. Input from faculty, staff, students, and the Dean’s Advisory Council was solicited and utilized to create a plan that directly aligns with the College’s efforts. Key performance indicators, timelines for achievement, and key partners have been identified.

Strategic Goal 1: Benefit current and future generations of undergraduates

Initiatives to support this goal include:

  • Improve math readiness of incoming first year students
  • Reduce curricular complexity
  • Improve transfer processes
  • Create a for-credit professional development curriculum
  • Infuse sustainability concepts into the curriculum
  • Develop advising aids for students and advisors
  • Continue to support student competition teams and student attendance at conferences
  • Increase the number of students engaged in research and innovation

Strategic Goal 2: Serve new audiences of learners

Initiatives to support this goal include:

  • Deliver exciting and relevant summer camps
  • Accept more pre-matriculated credit
  • Offer desired summer classes in a variety of formats
  • Launch selected Masters programs
  • Launch selected accelerated Masters programs with Rutgers
  • Develop and deliver professional development/continuing education courses  of interest to the public

Strategic Goal 3: Bolster our impact at local, national, and global levels

Initiatives to support this goal include:

  • Be viewed as an exemplar regional public predominantly undergraduate institution
  • Be a destination institution for engineering and education students both in and out of state
  • Develop and nurture corporate partnerships
  • Open Hydroponics Innovation Hub
  • Increase number of faculty engaged in externally funded research
  • Increase scholarly outputs
  • Elevate the Sarnoff Collection
  • Increase our international presence

Strategic Goal 4: Realize our vision and promise

Initiatives to support this goal include:

  • Secure at least one endowed professorship and one externally supported laboratory
  • Develop a comprehensive and economical maintenance plan for equipment
  • Develop a rational and equitable policy for space/laboratory usage
  • Improve meaningfulness of existing review processes for faculty
  • Determine if underutilized facilities can be monetized


Armstrong Hall, Room 165
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628


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