
Arthritis is a debilitating condition which affects over 50 million people in the United States alone. Non-pharmaceutical solutions are ineffective at treating localized symptoms. Currently, thermotherapy and cryotherapy are used individually to treat the symptoms of arthritis. Continuous low-level heat wrap therapy was found to be efficacious for treatment of wrist pain and impairment, with significant reduction in the severity of arthritis and joint damage in a murine model. Local cryotherapy is an effective and well-tolerated treatment in adjuvant-induced arthritis. Cryotherapy reduces inflammation without delaying muscle regeneration.


A study focused on whirlpool therapy found that cooling only decreased pain and heating only increased range of motion, while cyclic heating and cooling both decreased pain and increased range of motion. The goal of this device is to provide cyclic heating and cooling to specific therapeutic temperatures that are shown to provide relief from common symptoms of arthritis such as soreness and joint pain in the hand of the patient.